Our Journey

Trade and investment lead to economic development and prosperity. There is also an inevitable path to disputes. There are pitfalls associated with the court system in most countries, including adjournments and delays. There is also an increasing sophistication of parties who seek neutrality and party autonomy in disputes.

International arbitration has gained momentum as the preferred mode of dispute resolution in East Africa. In international commercial arbitration, an increasing number of international contractual disputes are resolved in arbitration under the auspices of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the London court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and Ad hoc arbitration under the UNITRAL Rules. In investment arbitration, all the East African Community (EAC) countries are members of the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda are members to the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). East Africa is already seeing an impact in investment arbitration, with Burundi having had 4 cases lodged against it at ICSID, Kenya with 3, Rwanda with 1, Tanzania with 5 and Uganda with 3. (2016)

With the growth of international arbitration in investment and contractual dispute resolution in East Africa, the question then is how ready are regional arbitrators, practitioners and arbitration centres to take on the challenge? East Africa has developed international arbitration centres in Mauritius (LCIA- MIAC), Rwanda (KIAC) and Kenya (NCIA). There is a growing clamour for inclusion of African practitioners in international arbitration and in having administration and seats of arbitration in Africa. Is the region ready to competitively participate in international arbitration?

It is in our efforts to prepare East Africa to competitively participate in International Arbitration that East Africa International Arbitration Conference was launched ten years ago.

EAIAC’s primary focus was to promote the development of international arbitration practice in our region, bringing together private sector, investment community, regional and international arbitrators, legal practitioners to share best practice, network and forge business relations. And in ten years we have brought the Gospel of Arbitration to Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Dar -es Salaam, Kampala, Kigali and Zanzibar. We are humbled to be recognised in the region by key stakeholder legal institutions as a credible platform for practitioners in East Africa.

Our Vision
  1. Promote Improvement of international arbitration and investment laws in East Africa
  2. Harmonisation of regional arbitration centres to position East Africa as a safe venue, safe seat for international arbitration hearing.
  3. Promote, profile and celebrate Africa’s International Arbitration
  4. Create great awareness and engagement of the private sector users of arbitration, governments and practitioners.
  5. Build international Arbitration Capacity, knowhow and network in East Africa and beyond.
  6. Encourage mutually beneficial partnerships between local and international practitioners in international arbitration
Organising Committee

The committee members offer technical support and advisory to GBS Africa as regards agenda, speakers and general objective of the conference.

The organising committee is constituted by arbitration and investment advisory practitioners from East Africa and beyond and has 4 members: Agnes Gitau, Partner at GBS Africa, a London- based Africa investment advisory; Wairimu Karanja, Director, Wairimu & Co.,  Leyou Tameru, Director at I-Arb Africa, an Africa-focused international arbitration resource platform, and Elodie Dulac, Partner at King & Spalding, Singapore and Ethiopia university lecturer. The EAIAC Committee are members of Legal and Business Women for Africa (LABFA).

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